Hi @DLTnovice and everyone else, who wants to help make PegNet great again. Things I believe we need:.

23 Oct 2022, 12:52
Hi @DLTnovice and everyone else, who wants to help make PegNet great again. 🥳 Things I believe we need: Visuals / demonstrating the user interface. Once we’re able to ➡️ import our private keys into the Accumulate Wallet, it would be great to screen record, or take screen photos of how this works! ➡️ make conversions, it would be great to screen record, or take screen photos of how this works. Explain the benefits ➡️Explain the benefits of PegNet: No order-book, unlimited liquidity, no smart contract etc. etc. ➡️I think we’ll want to emphasize the ease-of-use with some great visual explainers, nice branding. It's really a dApp that appeals to a lot of people. Stickers, GIFs, Memes. Go ahead.😎 Anyone can make these. Anyone here who has some graphic skills, who can make a nice PegNet mascot? Social Platforms YouTube Videos ? (tbd / anyone out there who qualifies to be a host on our YouTube channel, to make interviews with Paul and others?!) YouTube is rolling-out a new “posting feature”, it has not yet been enabled on PegNet's YT channel. So some Tweets / LinkedIn posts can also go there too. Perhaps @b010101 will help post there every now and then. Reddit: It’s a lot of work to get traction / members on Reddit. You need aged accounts (Karma) and a lot of cross-posting. You can all help crossposting to other crypto communities, but if you don't have Karma your posts will be at high risk of getting deleted. You can all help up-voting PegNet's own posts and other posts, that have been cross posted. We can have a channel on Discord, where we can share links to posts, so ppl can easily find the posts that need to be up-voted or commented on. Twitter: You can all help interact with other accounts on Twitter. This is how👇 You simply make a “List” of Twitter accounts, that you think are good to interact with. Comment on their posts with something that’s relevant to what they write that includes PegNet somehow. You can include a screenshot of our coming interface, relevant hashtags (#pegnet #pAssets #PEG $PEG), @ mention of GetPegNet. Be real, and not an annoying shiller 😉 Posts from PegNet's Twitter account: It helps a lot with some drafts / post ideas. We can have a Discord Channel dedicated to this, or a Word Doc. I'll fix your drafts (if they are good) and post them. Telegram: Be helpful to new community members, respectful to eachother - provide good info. We’ll get a great community. Make it a place that’s nice to hang out. Instagram We shoul be here too. TikTok 😅 perhaps someone else could do this. I can set but Instram and Tik Tok up, and add it to a SoMe scheduling tool, then someone else can create the posts. Haven't used TikTok before, but we have to be where people's eyes are I'll add more later on 🙂 (I'll work on our messaging etc.!)